Tiny Monster Trainer

Tiny Monster Trainer is a creature collector RPG, with a focus on the trainer.
It is currently in pre-alpha while I work on building the systems.

You can play the game in its current state at https://tinymonstertrainer.itch.io/tiny-monster-trainer
The original game can be played at https://code.thumby.us/play.html?game=Tiny_Monster_Trainer

In late 2021, a tiny handheld device was kickstarted called the Thumby.
I decided I would try to make a game for it, just to see if I could.
I made Tiny Monster Trainer, a game where you wander the wilderness to level up the monsters you collect.
You could also link your Thumby to another one to battle another player’s team of monsters.

After I reached the point where I felt like I wasn’t learning anymore, I stopped working on the Thumby.
I started learning Godot and working on tutorials and smaller projects that didn’t really get off the ground.
After a while, I realized I could bring Tiny Monster Trainer into Godot and add features that the hardware on the Thumby couldn’t handle.
And that’s how I ended up here.

This is my hobby, and I look forward to seeing where it ends up.
I would appreciate any feedback you have! You can reach me at [email protected].

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